Entries by Brent Collins

Are You Overcomplicating Content Marketing?

Overcomplication is the #1 enemy of execution. For example, if you haven’t exercised for a year, you needn’t spend hours researching personal trainers to find the hottest, most cutting edge performance genius who is tuning elite athletes, join the best gym in town, and create a meticulous fitness plan. Instead, you simply need someone to stand behind you and yell…

Content Marketing Outsourcing – Myth vs Reality

So you’ve committed to publishing on a regular basis. Great! Now comes the decision, who’s going to do it? This decision may just become the most critical ‘Build vs Buy’ decision your company undertakes this year.

Below is a list of 5 Myths vs Realities of content outsourcing that I hope helps you with your own build vs buy decision:

Myth #1: You’ll get better talent by hiring W-2 vs 2099…